The Blue Wrath
You are bad at zombies and you should feel bad.
Most all of your daydream zombie superfortresses are a deathtrap. The typical towering, isolated, or inaccessible bunkers are all wanting in very serious areas important to surviving the eventual zombie apocalypse.
Being secure from zombies is easy. Being secure from people is difficult. Scavengers and raiders would just as quickly kill you for your stuff as they would any zed. If any outsider is innately aware of your haven, the structure is non-viable.
Nourishment is also an often overlooked key feature of a location. Foresight exceeding the next 20 minutes is going to be important here. If your stronghold cannot be self-sustaining you are in for a bad time. Hydroculture would ideal here; stored supplies are finite and basic agriculture can be unreliable.
If you are within 500 meters of a zed at any point, you are probably doing it wrong. This includes active self-defense. Any melee weapon is highly likely to cause injury or infection. However in situations of absolute necessity, you blades should be avoided. Blades only increase the chances self-injury, infection, or friendly fire. They also require regular maintenance and are fragile; it is easy to critically damage a blade against a flat surface. Short-handled weapons are just as bad, if not worse, than blades. When engaging in zed combat the further away you are, the safer you are.
Firearms not a great choice. Anyone, including zeds, within several miles will hear a gunshot. They are also not sustainable; ammunition cannot be easy manufactured or improvised. Irreparable damage or critical malfunction can also render your weapon completely useless.
Project Zomboid is probably the best zombie simulation I've seen to date. Despite the recent issues with alleged burgling, the project is still ongoing and has even been greenlight on Steam. It can be pretty jarring from the standard high-action zombie fantasy, as it does edge closer to realism and involve a large amount of resource management.